High School Weekly Events - Week of 10/3
"Teaching is not just a job. It is a human service and it must be thought of as a mission."
- Dr. Ralph Tyler
"Teaching is not just a job. It is a human service and it must be thought of as a mission."
- Dr. Ralph Tyler
Detention: Mr. Hammerlun, rm. 103
Monday (10/3)
*No school for students, staff in-service
*GG @ C-4 district, Cozad
*JVFB @ Gothenburg, 6:30 pm.
Tuesday (10/4)
*VB @ Broken Bow 5:00/6:00/7:00 pm., dismissal 2:45 pm.
Wednesday (10/5)
*2:30 pm. dismissal K-12, staff - Marzano training
Thursday (10/6)
*Fire drill 9:57 am.
*CC @ SWC, Gothenburg, 4:00 pm, dismissal 1:45 pm.
*SB @ C-6 district, Cozad
*VB v. Holdrege, 5:00/6:00/7:00 pm.
Friday (10/7)
*Fall NETA
*FB v. Gothenburg, 7:00 pm.
Saturday (10/8)
*Band @ Ogallala Marching Festival
*Monday is an in-service day, you have received a schedule from Mr. Applegate.
*Please read Chapter 3 of the The Art and Science of Teaching prior to the Marzano training on Wednesday.
*We are hosting both the Girls Golf C-4 district on Monday and the C-6 Softball district on Thursday and Friday of this week.