High School Weekly Events - Week of Jan. 4
Detention: Mrs. Beans, rm. 121
Monday (1/4)
*9/10 BB v. Kearney Catholic, 5:00/6:30 pm.
Tuesday (1/5)
*BB @ Ord 4:30/6:00/7:45 pm. dismissal JV at 1:10 pm., Varsity at 2;15 pm.
Wednesday (1/6)
*NHS meeting, 7:30 am
*K-12 early dismissal at 2:30 pm.
Thursday (1/7)
*JVWR @ Gothenburg 3:00 pm., dismissal at 1:30 pm.
*9/10 BB v. North Platte, 5:00/6:30 pm.
*Fire drill 2:35 pm.
Friday (1/8)
*BB v. Ogallala 4:30/6:00/7:30 pm.
*Pep Club Soup & Pie Supper
Saturday (1/9)
*Speech @ Lexington Invite
*WR @ Norton Invite, 9:30 am.
*BB @ NP St. Pat's 2:30/4:00/5:30 pm.
*Have all grades for the 2nd qtr. and 1st semester completed by 12/21, we will store grades on 12/22.
*Article of interest: "Why Ninth Grade is the Pivotal Year for Dropping Out of High School", link: http://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2015/06/30/why-ninth-grade-is-the-pivotal-year-for-dropping-out-of-high-school/