High Weekly Events for the week of 9/14
"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge."
- Albert Einstein
Detention: Kyle Vincent, rm 111
Monday (9/14)
*Res FB @ North Platte, 6:00 pm. (game being played at Adams MS)
*FCCLA meeting, 6:30 pm.
*FBLA meeting, 7:00 pm.
*Choir Concert, 7:30 pm.
*Progress Report
Tuesday (9/15)
*Jr. class fundraising meeting, auditorium, 2:45 pm. (has been moved to 9/24)
*SB @ Lexington, 5:00/6:30 pm., dismissal 3:00 pm.
*VB v. Arapahoe (Alma), 5:00 pm.
Wednesday (9/16)
*Student Council meeting 7:45 am.
*Budget hearing, 6:30 pm.
*Tax hearing, 6:45 pm.
*Board of Education meeting, 7:00 pm.
Thursday (9/17)
*Multicultural Day @ UNK (Mrs. Rossell has sent list of students out)
*Josten's Graduation announcement orders, 7:30 am.
*GG @ Gothenburg Invite, 9:00 am.
*CC @ McCook Invite, 5;00 pm., dismissal 1:10 pm.
*VB @ North Platte, 5:00/6:00 pm., dismissal 2:45 pm.
*9/10 FB v. North Platte 6:00 pm.
*SB v. GINW, 5:00/6:30 pm.
Friday (9/18)
*GG @ Dawson Co., Lexington 9:30 am.
*FB @ Kearney Catholic, 7:00 pm.
Saturday (9/19)
*All-State music prep day @ Hastings
*Note the calendar is in error on 10/19 for Parent - Teacher's conference, the calendar says 8 am - 6 pm, in reality it is 8 am - 8 pm.
*Just a reminder to fill out an e-requisition prior to purchasing any items. We are starting to have the problem again of having people buy things first then do an e-requisition.
*Please have grade books updated by Monday so progress reports for qtr. 1 can be sent out.
*Please take time to complete the Suicide Training required by the state, please turn in certificate to the office by 10/31.
*If you are interested, an article to read, http://www.edutopia.org/blog/what-your-educational-philosophy-ben-johnson?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=socialflow%20&utm_campaign=RSS
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