High School Weekly Events - Week of 9/4
"Stronger Together"
"Stronger Together"
Monday (9/4)
*No School
Tuesday (9/5)
*Jr. Class Fundraiser meeting, 2:45 pm., auditorium
*GG @ Minden (Holdrege), 4:00 pm., dismissal 1:15 pm.
*SB @ Hastings (Aurora), 4:30 pm., dismissal 1:15 pm.
*Skills USA meeting, 6:30 pm.
*VB v. Hershey 5:00/6:00/7:00 pm
Wednesday (9/6)
*NHS meeting, 7:30 am.
*2:00 pm. dimissal
Marzano training, Chapter 7
*Board of Education Budget Hearing, 6:00 pm.
Thursday (9/7)
*Fire drill 9:43 am.
*SB v. Central City (Holdrege), 4:00 pm.
*VB v. BBow (NPSP), 5:30 pm.
*9/10 FB v. Holdrege, 6:00 pm.
Friday (9/8)
*GG @ Lexington
*FB v. Adams Central, 7:00 pm.
Saturday (9/9)
*SB, Cozad Invite, 9:00 am.
*VB, Cozad Invite, 12:30 pm.
*Please have Learning Goals for classes posted, I will be looking specifically for this when I walk through rooms.
*Have you started sending notes home? It is a powerful way to make a positive impression with parents and students.
*Remember no school on Monday, 9/4.
*NWEA/MAP testing will be on 9/11 & 9/12
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